Frequently Asked Questions

There are some misconceptions about short-term rentals that have created false narratives.

We think it’s important to set the record straight so that Dana Point residents have all the facts about the importance of short-term vacation rentals in our City.

There is a limit on the number of Short Term Rentals and they are subject to strict controls by the City of Dana Point.
The majority of guests in Short Term Rentals are families that need kitchens and yards for kids and pets, or are visiting members of local families that just don’t have room for them to stay in their homes. Some families stay for extended periods of time while their Dana Point homes are being renovated.
Short Term Rentals pay taxes to the City of Dana Point in order to operate Short Term Rentals – taxes businesses, except hotels, do not pay.
The California Coastal Commission will have the ultimate authority to approve any Short Term Rental Ordinance that affects Short Term Rentals in the Dana Point Coastal Zone.
Short Term Rentals offer families facilities that they can not get in a normal hotel room, such as free laundry facilities, full kitchens, barbecues, family board games, multiple bedrooms and yards. These amenities make Dana Point affordable to families that otherwise would not visit our City.

Is there a limit on the number of Short Term Rental Units (STRs) in Dana Point?

Yes, there were just over 300 permits for STRs initially issued, however, only 157 are active today in our city of over 17,000 households.

Are there enforcement laws that protect neighbors from excessive noise, large parties and other nuisances?

Yes, the City of Dana Point has Code Enforcement Personnel assigned to monitor STRs. The Short Term Rental Permits provide the City the right to terminate Short Term Rentals that do not comply with the City’s rules and regulations that prohibit excessive noise and other neighborhood disruptions.

Do Short Term Rentals lower local property values?

No, to be a successful Short Term Rental Owner you need to keep your property well maintained. STR owners have typically upgraded their properties, unlike some regular neighbors. These STR property improvements increase land values for all the neighbors. There is NO evidence that STRs have devalued any property values in any area of Dana Point.

Are Short Term Rental Properties owned by out of town investors, who have no ties to Dana Point?

No, the vast majority of the Short Term Rental units in Dana point are owned and operated by local folks, many are residents of Dana Point. STR owners care about their neighborhoods, since they have made considerable monetary investments in their properties and have a vested interest to maintain and increase the local property values in Dana Point.

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